Dec 03, 2004 17:59
welll the past couple days have been pretty boring but not bad at all. welll yestrday i went to the office and pikd up a night shcool application and it sed i could take two courses, which each course is 4 hours two nghts a week. unfortunately, 1 of the classes intereferes w/ hip-hop, and since graduating early is more important to me than ima have to quit hip-hop*tears* oh well. illl have more free time in two years wen i graduate to do stuff like that^_^. and well today was ze pep rally day and bambi took 2 different peoples tampons and threw 1 at eddie and used to other in an attempt to molest kyle XDXD. chyeah. but heh there's really not much today cept the b day is..... *dundundun8 MONDAY! *gasp* partahy is on the 19th. br there. be square. give me 60$ so i can go and re-dye my hair. lmao no dont do that cuz hopfully grandma will ;). and oh man tonight at pointe class i accidentally wore the tights that dont have a seem so they always fall underneath my pants, so i had to go in the bathroom and take them off so my feet were basically bare in my slippers. and then when it came time to put on my pointe shoes i had been missing a toe pad for about 2 or 3 weeks now so the only thing i had in 1 of my pointe shoes was a little bit of lambs wool*the only animal product i still use lol* and then when i was doing backwards off the bar bourre's or however they are spelled and my foot started to hurt REALLY bad and then i told anothe rgirl and shes all 0.o. *gasp8 and then when it came time to take my shoes off i took off that 1 shoe and then there lay.....*gulps* this nasty-ass popped blister scab thing and everybodys all : / oh crap and then i all taped it up. when i walked outto the car franklins all y did everybodys face drop when they aw ur foot and im all bleeding blister and shes all *brokenarteryheartattackanuerism* DAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! XDXD...... she exxagerated too much sumtimes. but anyways ima go now. ill ttylz!