(no subject)

Mar 26, 2004 08:19

i think my dogs gonna die soon
hes getting old
and he has lumps
on the side of his ribcage
it was first one
then two
now its three
and the first one is getting bigger
and im worried
i tell my mom to go take him to the vet
and she said
"i will"
but she hasnt yet
and even if it was something serious
we cant operate on him
he almsot died when we got him neutered
i dont want my dog to die
i love him far too much
but we wouldnt let him die in pain
my moms friend rhondas daughter is a vet
and she'd come to my house and do euthensasia
(i cant spell)
and i dont know if that will be harder or what
i dont want him to die...
“We all have a need to decorate Mother Nature because it belongs to all us,” Danish artist Marco Evaristti said Thursday. “This is my iceberg; it belongs to me.”
good luck with that glacier there buddy *thumbs up*
that street corner=mine!
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