Guys! This is a fun rant for me. I tried to rant to my mom about this earlier but she was like twitter-wha? So I'll do it here because I know most of you (unless you're hiding under a big, big, big rock) know what Twitter is and some of you even -- gasp! of! horror! -- even use it.
Twitter is annoying!!!
sorry to all those of you who use and enjoy this... this... thing. )
Comments 9
Know what does show up on my LJ? Three or four of my LJ friends have Twitter, and for some reason, they get their Twittering posted on their LJ.
Dude. If I wanted to read your bloody "Tweets", I'd go to your Twitter and read them. PLZ TO BE KEEPING THEM AWAY FROM MY FLIST KTHNXBYE.
Also, I have a Twitter, and I use it only to read what Tom Felton says, because he says the randomnest and cutest and dorkiest things and he sort of makes my life a little brighter whenever I read them. Other than that, I don't care. I'd probably get rid of it except that HE'D ADORABLE AND I'D MISS HIM, haha
I can understand wanting to follow one person, and I'm not calling out anyone in particular, but I just don't find a need for it! But I mean, if he's tweet-ing things that are funny and interesting to you, power to you! I'm really having issues with it being the Hot New Thing and everyone doing it because they think that it's cool and it'll help them relate to young people. On Ellen today she was like, "We just started a Twitter feed three days ago, so join it! I don't know what that is but it sounds... interesting." Ugh. That bugs me!
Okay, rant over. :)
I PROMISE TO SAY MORE REAL STUFF AND NOT BE ALL ROBOTIFIED ON LJ THOUGH. I started importing them when my geeky friends from school did so, buuuut...yeah, I don't feel like hypocrisy anymore. So.
<33 (ha, one more heart than Gracie gave you, neener neener!)
<3 <3 <3
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