I just finished reading the third book in the Twilight series. I'm going to get seriously shunned for saying this, esepcially with how amazingly pro-Twilight and yay!Twilight my flist has been over the past year, but... really? Really? I don't think these books are for me.
Bella passes out ALL THE TIME. I can't remember ever having a personal problem that made me feel faint like that. Is there something wrong with her brain? Will that be the big reveal in the fourth book -- there is something wrong with her brain that makes her go weak and pass out at unopportune times? Gosh, I hope so.
She WANTS to be a vampire and want to kill people just so she can be with Edward, even though Jacob Black is a perfectly live, warm person with a furry little problem who loves her anyway? I might be more biased toward werewolves than I previously thought, because this is just ludicrous to me. And what does she do about it, or any situation that occurs? She cries. All the time. And holds her stomach. Because she's literally being torn apart by her poor, sad, broken heart. Ugh. And then, she passes out from sheer exhaustion and mental taxation. And wakes up and thinks everything is a dream. And this happens like twelve times? Someone needs to take this girl to a doctor and get her head checked.
Even Harry in his fifth year, after he watched someone die at the young age of 14, and found out the darkest wizard in years had returned, and had is own BLOOD used to aid the monster's return to power, and was made fun of for being delusional, and had slanderous news stories written about him, and more and more horrible things kept happening... even he wasn't as emo in OotP as Bella is in the first five pages of Twilight.
The whole thing just seems like the pretentious writings of a fifteen-year-old fanfic fan. I couldn't identify the plot structure or even the CLIMAX of the novels. It seems like nothing happens, nothing happens, and there's all this buildup to... nothing happening. And lots of emo talk about how if one of them dies, the other will commit suicide. And yet, I still want to know what happens in the fourth novel. This makes me angry at myself. :P
I was talking to my cousin Nick about it tonight and he said -- these were his actual words -- that maybe I didn't like the books because I was somewhat happy with my life. hahahahahahaha... it does worry me though, that the emotionally unstable fourteen-year-old girl population has latched onto this series and they're being all goth and stuff.
And yes, I'll probably see the movie, because Robert is a hottie. But it is totally not anywhere near taking the place of Harry Potter, at least not for me. Sorry guys, this is one train I'm not hopping on. I just don't get it. I'm sorry!!!
Usually I'm not so full of hatred and bile, but when I decide I don't like something I can think of a thousand reasons why. Ugh, I probably seem so annoying right now. I am sincerely glad that ya'll like the books though. If they give you something to read and think about and write about then that is totally awesome. That is what books are for! My taste doesn't have to match everyone else's exactly. I just think I expected more out of the books after all the great things I kept hearing about them. But that's okay... I think I'll be busy enough reading all the freaking political textbooks I have to read this semester. Maybe I'll get back to plot-driven books over winter break! Hopefully will...
Anyway, yeah.
Did everyone see Barack's speech tonight? A-mazing. He is such an awesome speaker. It was fantastic. :)
I'm trying to post more but it's not working. I'm not sure you want me to anyway, I'm always tired and grouchy and busy and yet have basically nothing going on in my life outside of work and now school. Bo-ring. :) And I'm up past my bedtime, since I have to open all weekend. Hooray!
Well, I'm putting my old tired grouchy self to bed. Talk to you next week?