AGE: 204 +
HUMAN AGE: Between 22 and 24
HAIR: Black and long. Generally worn completely loose or bound in pigtails in red leather thongs with a headband to keep her thigh-length hair under control.
EYES: Hazel
HEIGHT: 6'1" - Plains Indians were notoriously the tallest of all Indian Tribe groups.
WEIGHT: 150 lbs
Physically strong, but with a very small body frame. Her body shape is kind of boyish, in that her hips are not too wide set, and she has a rather modest chest size, but she does have a tiny waist. She is well enough muscled to show that she does work in the field and horse training from time to time, but not overly so since, traditionally, the men do all the heavy work in Cheyenne society.
ETHNICITY: Cheyenne, Plains Native American
Generally very calm, collected and forgiving. Not a lot can irritate her for long, and she very much has accepted the change that can go along with her drifter's mentality. Change to her is something that is to be celebrated, and can never be something bad for any set person, place, or thing.
In some ways she is a free spirit, and accepts all things that are modern America, but she is still very rooted in the traditional culture of her Cheyenne heritage. For the most part she follows the Cheyenne ways of women - meaning she is hardworking, modest, skilled in the traditional crafts, knowledgeable about Cheyenne culture and history, as well as speaking the traditional Cheyenne language fluently.
She generally likes to always be busy in some way or another, whether it be by making new things to put in her hair in traditional fashion or just making things for the sake of keeping her hands busy.
She used to be a wild spirited thing, but since the death of her twin has taken it upon herself to gain the patience and reserved tendencies of her deceased twin.
HISTORY There is a legend that says there was once two Oklahomas. Well, what would soon be called Oklahoma. There was the state of Oklahoma - and its neighbor, the state of Sequoyah.
Each child was raised in respective ways. Sequoyah was raised in the way of the traditional Cheyenne, and Oklahoma in the ways of the White Man. It was meant to be a separate, but harmonious set of two, working together between Kansas and Texas.
But the children, always mischievous as children were, and with no way to tell them apart, such was their identical quality, that they would often exchange clothes and switch places with each other for a few days, and then switch back with others none the wiser. But, eventually, as the chaos of states in the Midwest rose to a fervor, and Sequoyah made plain its wish to become a state; it was decided that the child from Sequoyah would 'disappear' and the remaining one would be the state of Oklahoma proper.
The legend, though regrettable, says that, perhaps, the wrong child was killed in that moment, and that the child of Sequoyah is the one we now call Oklahoma.
However, I remind you, that this is just an old man's version of a legend. It stands to be said, though, that the girl talks much of Sequoyah. But, what is her history is her own to keep or share with us when the time is right, is it not?