
Sep 19, 2013 20:47

Day 7. Almost over. :(

Sam keeps a running list of embarrassing facts about Dean, in case he ever needs them. At the top are Dean’s secret collection of soft rock ballads, the time Cindy Mason left Dean handcuffed to the bed in tube socks and nothing else, and those three weeks that Dean took up the flute in sixth grade. He shared the tube sock story with Jo and Ellen once and got to watch Dean blush from his collarbone to the tips of his ears.

He has a second list of unmentionables: Dean half dead at Alastair’s feet, the way Dean’s throat bruised under Sam’s hands before Sam set Lucifer free and fucked everything up, the blank, carved-out look on Dean’s face when Sam said Stanford and Dad said leave. He hasn’t used that list for years. The brief surge of satisfaction is never worth the fallout.

Besides, he’s pretty sure Dean is keeping his own tallies. Good brother tallies. Loyal son tallies. Save the world tallies.

They both keep score, but Sam always has the feeling he’s already lost.

sam/dean, fanfic, spn: fic, 8 days of wincest, supernatural

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