Title: The Sticking Point, 3/? Author: sowell Genre: Angst, action, slash Characters/Pairing: Sam/Dean, secondary Dean/Cas, and Meg/Cas if you squint Rating: NC-17, eventually Word count: This part 3,418 Warnings: Language, Wincest, see spoiler warnings Spoilers: Assumes knowledge of all aired episodes. Very general S8 spoilers: [here there be spoilers] Dean gets himself out of
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Introducing Meg and Cas to this world promises to be...eventful! I love the character of Meg--she's worlds more slipperier than Ruby, and dangerous because she's always been so open about being bad that it's kind of a hiding in plain sight.
What's happening to Dean sounds almost worse than what Sam went through. Also, Sam's reaction to stuff seems to be very grounded and mature. Interesting!
Comments 2
Introducing Meg and Cas to this world promises to be...eventful! I love the character of Meg--she's worlds more slipperier than Ruby, and dangerous because she's always been so open about being bad that it's kind of a hiding in plain sight.
What's happening to Dean sounds almost worse than what Sam went through. Also, Sam's reaction to stuff seems to be very grounded and mature. Interesting!
Yeah, kisses and guilt!
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