Incest is Wrong! And so is Andrew Long!

Jan 09, 2004 04:29

Man it is late, but I feel that an entry is necessary because some good shit has happened over the past couple of days. Like Wednesday I got to hang out with Bean and John, something I don't think just the three of us have done in a long time. Felt really good to just be with the guys. Bean had an amazing idea for us to go get some appetizers at Ruby Tuesday's, America's No. 1 Restaurant Chain (this stat was not checked for factual evidence). Wouldn't you know it, as soon as we walk in the door, Dee greeted me and John as if she knew we were walking in...which was the case because she spotted me from the window. What an amazing girlfriend! Anyways, Bean was talking to Em in the car so me and John had to wait and order ahead. Long story short, Bean basically ate nothing at Ruby's so John had this crazy idea to go to 7. I was thinking that there was no way that Bean would stay up that late and go to 7...I was wrong. Bean jumped on the idea like a grenade and off we went (after a kiss from that hot hostess and meager tip sent her way). 7 was awesome and we got to play Virtua Cop 3 (they took my gun turret game away! >:( ) which sucked up more dollars than a stripper at Delilah's Den. After 7 John came back to my house to retrieve Bob's cooler (Bob, are the man, even though you aren't reading this) and as we were getting that, I opened my cooler which had the remaining beer. Holy shit, the cooler had a layer of frozen ice on top and the beer was basically trapped. Me and John took a few pics with my cellphone so if anyone wants to see them, just post or IM me and I will send it your looked really sick.

Today I got to hang out with my baby on her day off. We went to Chili's because she eats at Ruby's like everyday and she was craving Boneless Buffalo Tenders. After dinner we came back to the Fortress of Pimpitude (aka, my room for you n00bs who didn't know it was called that) and I finally got to see Boondock Saints. Sick movie...amazing gun fights and assassinations. All around great flic cept when Willem Dafoe dressed up like a woman and kissed the Italian mob soldier. Willem Dafoe playing a fag?! ONLY in the movies...

After the movie we cuddled some more and I sent my nasty post to the Long family after totally disrespecting Fig, Kat, Bean, and myself in Fig's LJ. FUCK YOU LONG FAMILY! YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY ASS WHITE TRASH MO FO'S WHO NEED TO BE SENT TO A PRISON WHERE YOUR SALADS WILL BE TOSSED WITH YOUR CHOICE OF JELLY OR SYRUP! I suggest syrup...

After that it was time for hot cocoa and s'mores. Mmmmmmmm, I miss her already. :(

Got to talk to Perry tonight as well. That kid is the man. He got Fig in his LJ, too. I can't wait for Spring Break in Deland/Daytona. should be some great times.

I also played CS with Kevin and Rich. Rich is really being incredibly supportive with my "training" and helping me learn the ropes. If it weren't for him I think I would have quit like after the first two days and go back to Vice City, but I'm gonna stick with it and learn how to be l33t.

It's 4:43 AM now and my eyes are burning. I'm gonna go take out my contacts and head to bed.

Stay good.
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