Death to the GG!

Dec 16, 2003 09:13

Well, this is the first new entry of the new live journal. Those of you reading this may not realize that I had one of these long ago on another system, but abandoned it for lack of personal commitment and interest. Yet, now I feel that it might be a good idea to get my thoughts out and start with my own personal forum: a live journal of my design. Now I know what some of you are thinking...what happened to The Medium? Well, first of all they are not producing the oh so controversial material that I love during Winter Break. I must rely on their website for material ( Here you can find many witty, satirical, and yes, offensive material as granted us by the First Amendment. Don't like it, don't read it. Just a side not, the more you don't like it, the more ignorant you probably are of what humor and satire actually is. In this case, you probably don't want to read this live journal ever, EVER again.

Now to the topic at hand...Death to the GG! The GG is the name of a bus route here at Livingston Campus. It tours the entire campus and then proceeds to the furthest campus from us on Rutgers University...Douglass College, or as I have affectionately called it, Dyke-Ass. Why you ask? Because it is the Women's college at Rutgers, founded in the early 1900's and has become a haven for lesbians, dykes and all other forms of nasty women disregarded by society. Not ALL Dyke-Ass students are lesbians. My best friend, Felissa is a student there and she's as straight as they come. But the people of the campus are not of interest at this point. What is of interest is that the GG route is the most feared and hated route of all of Rutgers. Most buses come every 5-15 minutes at Livingston. We are the farthest away, tucked neatly in the ghetto. The GG however, takes approximately "17-25" minutes during specific hours as listed by Rutgers website of parking and transportation. This is an outright lie and conspiracy. In actuality, it comes every 30-40 minutes, if it decides to show up at all. This bus has burned me consistently enough, not showing up for over an hour at one point and has made me miss several classes which lie in the land of the forbidden fruit. It's ridiculous! Then if the bus shows up, it usually decides that as soon as you get on, the bus driver needs a break. What? Another bus will be along shortly? Oh, there it is...25 minutes later! Oh...he needs his break, too? We should get back on the first bus? Why, thank you sir! Would you like lubricant while you FUCK ME IN THE ASS?! No, ok, thought I'd ask...

Yeah, this bus got one last laugh at me on Monday. It was the day of my final for my Contemporary American course and my final was at 8-11pm. Kinda late, but better that being at 8am. I get on a bus at approximately 7:05pm that is literally a giant sardine can with wheels. I mean think of 70 people crammed onto a bus, along with book bags, purses, and the frequent FAT FUCK that takes up two seats. Yay! Wouldn't have been so bad if the 40 year old townie who was riding the bus didn't keep crushing my hand against the hand rail I was using to support my weight on sharp curves and turns with his chest. But wait...this isn't the worst of it. I get out of my final at around 9:40pm...not too shabby. I'm talking with this kid in my class while we're waiting for the GG but alas, it is now where to be seen. The EE is running crazy ass buses and we can't figure out why. We then walk over and see a sign that is totally inconspicuous which reads that the GG bus stops running at 8pm during Exam days. 8pm...yet there are finals till 11....wouldn't it make sense to stop the buses at 11:30? 12? since they normally run till 2? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION! I HATE you fuckers more than I hate anyone right now! You guys are playing some sick fucking game with us and it's just not funny anymore. I mean, come on! You can miss any class and still pass a class...but to leave us stranded in Dykeville with the windchill making it a crisp 26 degrees and me without my hat that was conveniently left at Dee's house the other day is just cause for a revolution. Don't think you've heard the last of me, GG...your time will come....

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