"So much depth, so much heart, so many violent Beans!"

Dec 30, 2003 03:25

Well, it's 3:25 AM and there is no better time to post in my opinion. It's been an interesting couple of days in the least. Yesterday Fig returned to NJ where he is loved most of all. Man, I can honestly tell you that I nearly cried when I saw this man. Yes, that is how much I love him. Shit, I barely cry over anything yet this man can always bring a tear to me eye. He stayed over Bean's the first night and that was cool by me. He was so tired I was ready to carry him over there myself if that's what he wanted. He's Steve Fig and he can do whatever he wants. (Of course right now he's upstairs in my house laying next to Kat so ha! ;)) Yeah, that man drove 17.5 hours straight from St. Augustine. What a champion of mortal men, he is.

Well, I spent the night at Dee's house and she took care of my sick self. It was very relaxing. Then we met up with Fig, Kat and Bean at the mall for lunch at Tuesdays. It was so good and Justin, Perry's friend was our server. Wow, what a great waiter he is. We got him on the tip so I hope he realizes that he rocks. Then we went perusing around the mall and stopped at the Game Room store. So many great things that needed to be bought, but for a lack of funds, we left with some speed pourers for me and a Yeungling Lager glass for Fig. Bean also got a kick ass Dilbert desk calendar that I think I might have to pick up as well.

After the mall it was off to the ol' Metroplex to meet Perry and go pick up booze. Long story short, this 6'4", 150lbs man (holy shit was he a fucking stick!) told us we all had to have I.D. to purchase the alcohol, which is bullshit because I've done it at that liquor store before (the Spirits in Freehold Boro. off of Route 33 is now permabanned!) and they never have a problem with it. Oh well, I'll spend over $200 in cash somewhere else, ass! Shoprite Liquors got us...well Perry because he went in by himself. Now I have tons of booze and spent an hour tonite making Jell-O Shots. I have Cherry and Berry Blue for those who will be attending Sovsapalooza's New Year's Bash :). (Sorry to Funco who because of some recent deaths will be with family in lieu of friends. I'm sorry Chris, hopefully next year we'll get to chill. I'll make sure to have a moment of silence just for you and a drink round the house in your honor...I got you, bro.)

Yeah, then the night sucked because not only did I fuck up everyones plans, but I upset one of the few people I never ever want to upset. We were on our way to Pete and Elda's and it was me and John leading the way (I was the only one who had been there before who THOUGHT knew how to get there), Bean and Dee behind us and Fig, Kat and Cang (in-a-box) behind Bean. Me and John started talking about the Giants and all of a sudden we realized we missed our exit. Not only that, but John even asked me if we should have gotten off at an exit and I said keep going (guess what? that was the right exit and I'm a fucking moron) so we ended up on Route 138. We turn around and I called Bean and assumed that he would call Fig. I was fucking wrong again because I'm a schmuck. We get back onto 18 and I figure we can get onto 34 and cut around to Pete and Elda's that way. Well, that would have worked if we were going in the right direction! Me and John came to a split and it was either North or South and my quick decision was North. My quick decision was WRONG! Well, Fig thought we were fucking with him and to make matters worse, some asshole almost hit him and that just escalated the situation. I don't think I've ever seen Fig that angry, and never that angry at me. People...I never want to see that man that angry at me ever again. Not because of him getting violent but because it actually hurt me to see him so pissed off. One of my best friends is here in NJ not even 24 hours and I've already pissed him off beyond belief. So Pete and Elda's was scragged and we sped back to my house to catch up with Fig and try and calm him down and tell him what happened. Unfortunately, I still think he thinks we were fucking with him, which not only makes me upset that he's upset with us but that he thinks we would lie to his face about it and even do that to him on major highways when we only have a few precious days to hang out with him. I would kill for this kid in a instant. Fig and me have been through so much together through our friendship that not many other people could understand...I feel a special kind of bond with him. I love that about our friendship because I think out of most of our friends I've known him for the least amount of time and I always feel left out because of that and sometimes even jealous. I wish I could have known him for as long as Rich or Muller or John. I only met him in Freshman year because of John in Tech Drawing 1, the infamous Stewie's class and we hit it off instantly. Most likely because we were the two smartest kids in that class and were ahead of everyone else (Fig, if you're reading this, we rocked that class. I think we had two weeks where we did nothing because we finished all of our assignments for the semester). I'm kinda getting sidetracked seeing as how its a quarter after 4 in the AM so I'm just gonna some this up: Fig, I love you and I'm sorry I pissed you off because I thought I could fix my fuck up of missing the exit by taking a shortcut...which I then fucked up. You name whatever you want that I can offer you that will ease your anger at me and I will do it. If you want my first born child to be named Stephen Face Sovern then consider it done. I love you like the brother I wish I had (yeah, FUCK YOU JEFF! Paul...stop headbutting me in the balls and grow another inch or two, hahaha).

Enough sorrow for this journal. I have to be up in 3 hours to drive my great grandmother to the airport and I have a beautiful young lady waiting in my bed curled up asleep. I'm getting my sorry ass of this computer and going to bed. G'nite world and stay good.
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