Employee Uv Tha Munth Klubbed To Deth

Aug 22, 2008 11:40

I made employee of the month for August ! Which is good, because I get a half-day off with pay (Friday) and a free lunch with the supps. I guess Resolve did give me something worth adding to my Resume. Plus, I've got Saturday off as well which usually means Sunday to follow. It's almost like a three day weekend !

I may soon be receiving a raft of new 40K stuff. I've always wanted a Sisters of Battle army, but never really wanted to pay for one. Although I have to pay for this one, it's not nearly so bad as buying it all new.

Artai has decided to give up his Sisters. He doesn't really like the way they play or paint up. He would prefer Tau for some unfathomable reason, so who am I to stand in the way of such a windfall ? I really need another Imperial force to balance out what I already have.

The only question is in how the deal will be done. Artai wants me to buy him some Tau and trade. Until I priced it out, I thought it was a bad deal. He only wants his HQ Crisis suit and a few Broadsides which comes to $175. I assumed he would want Three Broadsides for a full team. Of course, a final price hasn't been decided on at this point.

Hopefully, since I', coming up to my weekend we could throw a few little armies together and have a game or two - even if we don't remember all the rules !
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