Tricia,... my dear Tricia.... what do you mean you can not help the fact that you are a crowd pleaser? Tricia you are no ones fucking jester or clown. You can help so much Tricia. You say you have no idea how to stop all of this... if you want this to be like last year... you know exactly what needs to be done Tricia... and if you don't... you should really think about it.... you have to leave everyone stop talking to them plain and simple just stick by me or Emmanuel. They come near me or Emmanuel you know exactly what the both of us will tell them... we will tell them to fuck off and if it gets to a point we will even use force. Tricia.... I know you were trying... and I was to you have no idea.... I would like to say something else but I am not 100% sure if I am right on this... and I just don't want to be wrong but I also don't want to hurt anyone. As for caring so much about what people think of you... is because you hang around such a huge group... if you were just around me or Emmanuel then you wouldn't give a shit about anyone... the main reason Eman left you is cause of Omar the other is cause of the people you hang around... and I am sorrying for saying that but that is the truth... as for me as much as I don't want to say this or hurt anyone I'm going out with Ashley a few issuses... like I am tired of being alone... Emmanuels always with his girlfriend and you are always with another crowd or was... or with Jake and I fucking hate him so much you have no idea how much I feel like twisting his neck. Explain what this means I am quoting you on this one.... "But I would chose Omar over you any day." I copyed and pasted so yeah... and you did promise that you wouldn't talk to Omar as did I kind of promised after that that if you do then I wouldn't talk to you... so I am kind of going out of my way with alot of expections. As for the 'But you two talk to me on and off,' well even though I said I take turns inbetween you and Eman that was lie I don't I mean in a way i do nevermind thats not the point the point is its because you always have someone near you that I can't stand, Megan,Jake,Reggie... yeah I know its shocking I bet you didn't know I hated her... to be honest I hated her since the summer so yeah... but if you think about it I go up to you when your round Reggie sometimes cause I didn't want you to know that I hated her cause well shes part of me theory that im not 100% sure of but I mean you'll are dating and I don't want you to know that I hate her.
Oh 1 more thing I did mention I was going to get a drink 3 times but you were talking to Megan... I told you that I said I was going to go get a drink... then when I came back I didn't even see you on the ride... =/ you have no idea of how it felt to be alone on that day.... my brithday present was going there you know.... anyways I have to go to school so see you there.
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