Монеты и доспехи - 2

Jul 20, 2018 14:00

James Drummond. Joseph Anderson. Ancient Scottish Weapons. 1881. P.12

But this was not the distinctive equipment of the Highlanders; for in 1574, when a general order for weaponshawing was issued for the whole kingdom, we find that it contains a separate regulation for the Highlands. The general appointment is that all persons under 300 merks of yearly rent mnst have "brigantinis, jakkis, steilbonettis, slevis of plate or mail, swerds, pikkis, or speris of sex elnis lang, culverings, halbertis, or twa-handit swordis."

But in the Highlands the equipment was to be "habirschonis, steilbonettis, hektonis, swordis, bowis and dorlochis, or culveringis."

Отмечу - это разница не между "богатым лоулендером" и "горским голодранцем". Это разница между господами с годовой рентой в 300 марок.

Далее на странице 14.

In the muster roll of Glenurchy's men in 1638, among one hundred and seventeen men sixty-four were armed with sword and target, thirty-seven had bows and arrows, and thirty-one carried hagbuts. Sometimes the bow and arrows were carried with the sword and target, and sometimes the hagbut. At other times the bow and arrows were the sole equipment, and occasionally it is noted that the sword is the only weapon in the man's possession.


The muster roll of the Clan Ranald in 1745 shows that out of eighty men, sixteen had neither gun nor sword, sixteen had guns only, fifteen had swords only, twenty-five had gun and sword, and only seven were equipped with gun, sword, and target.

Несколько в сторону, чтобы не потерялось - отчет по взятым при Каллодене трофеям.

С учетом того, что пистолеты в состав ручного огнестрела не включили, возможно, что и "палаши и клинки" имеются ввиду только "длинномерные", без дирков и штыков.

Про английскую милицию 16 века есть у Горинга. К примеру - на странице 21 по состоянию на 1522 год.

From the Rutland returns, for instance, one learns that, of the 36 residents in the East hundred who possessed 20 marks or more in goods, 17 had no harness at all, while six had incomplete sets of narness: thus only about one-third of the population of this district were fulfilling their obligations. Moreover, among the law-breakers were men like Henry Bokyngham of Little Casterton who had £60 and no harness, and Hen±y Thistilton of Great Casterton who had £50 and a sallet. An even worse example of negligence comes from the Buckinghamshire return, from which it appears that John Collingbourne of Aylesbury, whose goods were valued at no less than £300, had no harness whatsoever.

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