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- Johannes Renner’s Livonian History 1556-1561. Transl. by J. Smith and W. Urban with J. Ward Jones. 1990

Английский перевод ранней версии хроники Реннера, по изданию 1953 года - Renner J. Livlandische Historien 1556-1561 / Zum ersten Mal nach der Urschrift hrsg. von P. Karstedt. 1953.

Русское войско в 1558 году.

As mentioned above, the Russians, 64,700 strong, attacked simultaneously at Neuhausen in the diocese of Dorpat and at Narva. Their paymaster had listed the number of their troops in a long list. He had been captured, slain and the document seized. On it were listed first the parishes, then the boyars, and then the number of troops each boyar had. From this one is able to derive the precise figures.

- Treptow K.W. Of saints and sinners. Native resistance to Ottoman expansion in Southeastern Europe, 1443-1481: George Castriota Scanderberg and Vlad III Dracula. 1995

In early June, Mehmed II prepared to cross the Danube at Nicopolis with an army of approximately 60,000 men. ... This is the estimate given by the Venetian ambassador to Buda, Petrus de Thomasiis, in a letter to the Doge of Venice dated 14 June 1462 ... The Venetian Ambassador also informs us that 25,000 of the effective force of 60,000 Ottoman troops were janissaries. As a well-informed diplomat, who watched the events in Wallachia in the summer of 1462 carefully, the troop estimates he gives are probably quite reliable. They seem realistic from what we know of ottoman resources, chroniclers of the time did place importance upon the accuracy of such details, often using exaggerated figures to indicate the importance of a particular campaign; thus we find estimates of 250.000 given by Chalkondyles and 300.000 by Tursun Beg ...

Ion Bianu. Ştefanŭ celŭ Mare. Câteva documente din archivŭlŭ de statŭ de la Milanŭ // Columna lui Traian, noua serie, IV, nr. 1-2. 1883. На странице 37.

De i progressi de lo exercito turco la Cel. v-ra per diete mie ultime, quanto fin quel’hora se sentiva intex[e]. Dapoi questo S-mo S. Re da novo ha havuto et certo el Bassa con circa persone .Lx. millia utile, electe de tuto lo exercito, fra le quale esser Janicari xxv. millia haver passato el Danubio, et intrato in Valachia, et el Valacho, che con circa persone .xxij. millia se era posto ala guardia de le rive, non possendo sostenir tanto impeto haverse posto in fuga, et fornite le forţele, redottossi con tuti aii monti, dove per avanti etiam havea mandato tute le femine et puti et molte victualie. ... Bude 14 Iunij, 1462.

В 1462-м году никаких 25 тысяч янычар в походе быть просто не могло. И всего столько не было, а в походы в полном составе они в принципе не ходили.

P.S. О походах Плеттенберга.

IN THE YEAR 1501 the master in Livonia, Wolther von Plettenberg, waged war against the Muscovite. He captured, burned and destroyed Ostrov (Ostrouw) and Ivangorod (Iwanengorod), besieged Novgorod (Nougarden), Isborsk (Isborg) and Pskov and devastated the surrounding countryside with arson, slaughter and pillage. He also defeated a mighty Russian host and thus forced the enemy to sue for peace. The war came about because of the diocese of Dorpat, from which the Grand Duke demanded a yearly tribute, namely, one Danish mark for every inhabitant. But the master refused to cede the anti-Christ such a tribute and so war resulted, as mentioned above. At the conclusion of the war a fifty-year armistice was agreed upon.

Для сравнения - вариант "Магистерской хроники" середины 16 века в версии Хорнера/Горнера, Livoniae historia in compendium ex annalibus contracta. 1551.

В хронике Геннига. Русский перевод на ВостЛит; перевод с нем., англ., комментарии - Игнатьев А. 2021.

Эти вопросы стояли вплоть до 1501 года, когда, благодаря милосердной Божьей поддержке и помощи, прославленной памяти магистр Тевтонского ордена в Ливонии Вальтер фон Плеттенберг, победил этих архизлодеев в ходе битвы, в которой пали почти 40 000 русских. Столь великое поражение и значительные убытки вынудили нашего врага, деда нынешнего московита, пойти на долгосрочное перемирие в пятьдесят лет. Это перемирие тоже тщательно соблюдалось и поддерживалось в течение всей жизни следующего великого князя.

Английский перевод из Sаlomon Henning’s Chronicle of Courland and Livonia. Transl. and edit. by J. Smith, W. Urban, W. Jones. 1992

Matters stood thus until the year 1501 when, through God's gracious support and assistance, the Master of the Teutonic Order in Livonia, Walther von Plettenberg archenemy of illustrious memory, defeated said in a pitched battle in which almost 40,000 Russians died on the field. This great defeat and the considerable losses forced the enemy, the grandfather of the present Muscovite, to acquiesce to a long-term armistice of fifty years. This armistice was also carefully observed and maintained during the lifetime of the next Grand Duke.

Ростокского издания 1590-го года я не нашёл, в лейпцигском 1594 года (по нему делались русский и английский переводы) - Lifflendische Churlendische Chronica Was sich vom Jahr Christi 1554. biß auff 1590.

Филюшкин А.И. «Лифлянская хроника» Соломона Геннинга // Stud. Slav. Balc. Petrop. SSBP Петербургские славянские и балканские исследования. 2013. №1 (13).

Как мы видим, Геннинг продолжает тиражировать распространенную ошибку, исключая из истории русско-ливонских отношений все русско-ливонские договоры первой половины XVI в. Вряд ли он мог, как высокопоставленный чиновник, о них не знать. ... В 1553 г. после встречи в Любеке он стал секретарем будущего последнего магистра ордена Готарда Кеттлера, принимал участие во многих политических событиях (в том числе в разработке и подписании Виленских соглашений), выполнял дипломатические миссии, в конце жизни занимался миссионерством.

Только или "распространенная ошибка", или "вряд ли ... мог ... не знать". В последнем случае речь идет уже о сознательной заведомой лжи.

Реннер также не был случайным человеком и к документам и литературе доступ имел.

Charles J. Halperin. The Double Standard: Livonian Chronicles and Muscovite Barbarity during the Livonian War (1558-1582) // Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. Issue 1(23). 2018

Renner was, like Henning, not born in Livonia, but in Westphalia. He served as a notary in Reval and then as secretary to officers of the Livonian Knights in Livonia from 1556 to 1561, first Fogt Jarven Berndt von Shmerten, then Rugger Wolf, Contur in Pernau, and wrote his chronicle in 1561-1562 based upon notes he had taken. By mid 1561, deeming the situation in Livonia hopeless, Renner left Livonia and never returned. After 1578 he prepared a second edition which relied very heavily upon Russow for events after 1561. The goal of the chronicle was, like that of Russow’s, to persuade Hanseatic cities and Holy Roman Empire that Livonia could still defeat the Muscovites, if it had their support. Renner’s chronicle was not published until the nineteenth century. Renner had excellent access to documents in Livonia during his relatively brief sojourn there, but was not an eyewitness to any of the events he described.

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