In the past two days I've gone to the "abandoned" house in my neighborhood twice to take pictures. When I first went there, I went around back right away so that the neighbors nearby wouldn't see me and say something. When I finally came around to the front again, I noticed something that shocked me a little.. the front door was sitting wide open. Just calling to me. I'd assumed it'd be locked as it was the last time I went there.. but apparently someone has either broken in or visited on perfectly legal terms since then, and whoever it was left the door open to all. When I first went in I was really freaked out on several different levels. Then my batteries died and I was supposed to be heading home anyway to go somewhere with my mom lol. Anyway, I went back and went in again & took a few more pics.. none of which came out too well. But, luckily, with the powers of photoediting I managed to make them all look more intense, if not more interesting.
This is the only one I didn't edit.
This is just some random forest trash I was passing by on my way to the abandoned place and for some reason when I saw it I thought of indie rock. *shrug*
Today my grandparents finally left (score!) And yesterday Sami & Kimi came by and dropped off weed (double score!!). That's about it. Oh, yes. Does anybody know who originally sang "Schizophrenia's Weighted Me Down"? It is a song that Cat Power sings and I love it but when I tried to look up the lyrics to it a ton of other bands came up and it was insane. I think it may be by some band called Oar? This is bothering me now.