Winter Quarter Schedule

Nov 28, 2009 21:05

Math 115: MTWRF 10-10:50 AM
GIS in Geology: MWF 12-12:50 PM
Chem 122: MTWF 2-2:50 PM
Chem lab: Thursday 2-4:50 PM

Hmm. Thursday lab could be a bad idea. I can't start studying for any tests on Friday until 5 PM. And I have been studying a lot this quarter. It's ridiculous - I'll study for 7 hours, go to all the office hours, and still have at least one problem on the test that I can't answer with confidence.

Also, I hate chemistry. The best score I received was on the test most people did worse on - because it was partly about wavelengths, aka physics. Physics with calculus will probably suck, but at least it will be somewhat familiar territory.

Oh, yeah, I need to go declare.

Outside of school, life is fantastic. My Mitchell, my cat, and my apartment are all doing splendidly. Friends, for the most part, are great. I am so excited to be snowed in this winter and to make my own coco (after googling how to do so).

Yes, life is good. School is just a bit of a downer. I wish I had exerted myself in my easier classes so my GPA wouldn't be hurt quite so much by these harder classes, but whatever. It's too late for such thoughts.

Gotta go make a study guide for the math final, read two chapters for chemistry, and work on my geology final project. Or watch Gossip Girl season two.
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