
May 09, 2004 10:48

Last night was Prom. It definitely qualified as awesome. I love all of the kids at this school, they are super fun to be with. I was already exhausted by the time prom came around due to the soccer game I had played earlier. Because of this my night in a nut shell was: Dance! crash. Dance! crash. However it was still incredible, live music is always happy and I just danced with my friends all night long. Jimmy was there and I love that kid, we slow danced and caught up on each others lives. Hmm I danced with someone different every slow song, though not always a boy. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point or another I danced with everyone at the prom last night. This is why I love small school proms.

Then came the after-prom party at the LRC till 3 am. I sumo wrestled! The first time I wrestled with Robert who is 6'4. It was rediuclous, the suit hardly effected him. Hilarious, he tossed me around like nothing else, the man who ran the sumo wrestling finally took pity on me and helped me to get him down, but even with his help it was a bit of a struggle. After that I wrestled with Jenny and killed her, that was fun. Also I hung out with Jon again he cracks me up, but I never get to talk to that kid anymore = (. It was great fun though hooray for finger jousting at 2 am. Also I watched the begining of Pirates of the Caribean, always a good thing. Then it was time to go home so me and Georgia cuddled up in her fleece blanket and amebaed our way back to the dorm.

Also, kudos to anyone on SAB, you worked your asses off and it came through fantastically.
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