Mar 15, 2009 21:49
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful."
I have recently started reading a online blog called the cleaver and came across this quote. This writer really has some interesting ideas on consciousness and governments. Even more interesting was his work on vibrations and how everything we precieve is from levels of vibration on different frequencies. I read his work with a critical mind, and I disagree with some of his beliefs, but for the most part im impressed. he really stressed the harm from televisions and how they are used to dull our senses and minds. I would recommend reading his entry on this for any of you that feel like me.....numb and tired.
One other entry he wrote was really brilliant and it goes as follows:
Whether written or spoken, words can only suggest meaning.
The eastern proverb of the finger pointing at the moon highlights this beautifully: “All instruction is but a finger pointing to the moon; and those whose gaze is fixed upon the pointer will never see beyond.” If you confuse the pointer with the thing that it is actually pointing to, your perception is short-circuited and flawed. You're looking at the wrong thing. Seems obvious? Consider science as an example of flawed perception.
Science is a way of looking at the world. The description it offers is not reality itself, it is a representation of reality. A very useful and pragmatic one. Yet the larger part of the scientific community, and certainly the entire mainstream media, are serving up scientific description as reality itself. This is like confusing the sheet music that provides musical notation for a Mozart piano sonata with Mozart’s actual music itself. It is not the music. Perhaps only a handful of virtuoso pianists have understood the music as it was originally conceived. Truly felt it, become one with it and thus became an authentic conduit to express and realize it.