(no subject)

Aug 24, 2008 22:42

So there are multiple factors that may screw my life completely over at the moment. They're obsessing my mind, as things that may cause my eminent doom often do. The following obsess my mind the most:

1. MONEY! As ABBA says, it must be funny in a rich man's world. Not so funny here. I've got to start school, which means working less and that means a financial pinch. Plus I had to repair the ever failing Malibu and that charge is currently on my credit card. Hopefully I'll be able to pay it off this month.... Maybe....

2. What the fuck am I going to do with myself once I'm out of Astoria? I have several options: a.) move to Portland, hell hole that it is, and try to beat my own path in a city of zombie like masses. b.) move to Eugene and party it up. Fun, but counter-productive. c.) move to Corvallis with Joe. That is of course, dependent on the fact that we stop using "I miss you" and "I'm getting attached" as the safety phrases and actually decide to admit we are together. d.) move to a desert island and give up on this whole business of life. It's too complicated. It's gotta be 5 o'clock somewhere, Jimmy promised.

3. My roomie will be peacing out sometime in the next three to six months. I have no idea how I will pay rent. My only option is this sailor guy I've barely met that maybe looking for a place sometime in the future. Who knows....

In other news, today is officially the one year anniversary of me telling Clark to fuck off. Weird that I remember, I know but I remember that I did it on the 24th because that was like, three months before our three year. Dumb, but for some reason my mind is good with dates and numbers, go figure. I contemplated going out for a drink after work and then coming home to my nice warm (and vacant) bed, but decided against it. I broke it off and spent my time in the bottle, I think it would be poor taste to remember the event thusly. So I merely decided that since it's been a year, I should as of now officially move farther past it all. Which I've moved on about 95% at this point. Just one little detail left... Which, for my own superstitious reasons, I won't list. Though, it may be strange to carry out said detail. Anyway, the past is done and over with, that's the point, and my life is exponential different now.
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