Aug 04, 2004 22:02
a couple of weeks ago after i got off work, i was halted from entering my house by a lizard. now i know you are probably thinking "how would a lizard stop you from opening your front door asshole?" well let me tell you, this lizard happened to be at least two and a half feet long. now most of its body was made up of tail, but rest assured, the other part was all mouth. after walking around the house, and showing it to the family, mr. will, and rex (who was unimpressed) i found a big stick to scare it away with. the mighty lizard showed courage when faced with my thor hammer (aka the stick i found) but eventually it left, not before showing me its destructive powers and devouring a spider right in front of my face.
besides dancing with lizards, life has been very busy. i have been working at a local cafe since december. the work mindless and i make very little, but its the first non seasonal job i have had. on top of that, i did another run at the outdoor school, and once again i am working for a summer day camp. two jobs which i always look forward returning too. sadly work cuts deep into my social life.
my final semester at moorpark college begins hopefully this fall. i use the word hopefully because i may not be able to get into the late start classes i need. seeing how i started moorpark in 2000, its time for me to move on.
thats all i can think to write about right now.