So Long and Thanks For All the Fish

Jul 21, 2006 13:19

So vacation was marvelous! I think I had more beer to drink while up visiting the UP then I did since I began drinking. (This may seem impressive, however I could only just recently stomach the stuff.) I only had one hangover to show for all the adventures. Go me!

We drank, played "Apples to Apples", had Jilbert's hand dipped ice cream, shopped, ripped a lot of new music onto my hard drive (thanks to all the contributed!), played with the "new to me" photoshop, burnt cds for my peoples (I hope everyone enjoys), walked around the island, slept (which I really needed).

We cooked due to the heat, especially the first couple of days. I would have liked to gone swimming, but I forgot my suit.

Kelly and I discovered the Starbucks at the LRC not the UC. In case someone else has been told the location incorrectly. I had my venti, sugar-free hazelnut, iced latte, with an extra shot( that's 4 shots total), and soy milk. It may take a while to get it all out while ordering, but it's worth it!

The 'rents and "in-laws" had dinner together. Great food and wine was had by all!

It was a really great trip. Thanks to all! Hopefully, you can come down soon and we can return the favor! Just give us a heads up!

PS- The Venture Bros. Rock! Seek them out!

PPS- Download and watch the pilot for the "Amazing Screw-On Head" I was rolling in laughter!
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