Feb 10, 2009 13:09
I thought I'd done everything I needed. I thought that was the go-ahead to move ahead with the whole CG thing. Is there something else I'm supposed to be doing before I leave Jersey for Washington?
I swear, this is like Legend of Zelda, and I'm Link in some weird and complicated dungeon, and I think I have all the puzzles solved and everything set up properly, only to find the door I need to go through locked. Those that have played the more recent Legend of Zelda games know what I mean.
To make this less cryptic, I was really, honestly expecting to call up my recruiter and hear her say, "okay, yeah, it was just an error, we got it all resolved and you'll be going in next week." I totally expected that. Instead, apparently there are further issues: The CG can't release the credit report to me OR the company that is apparently listed on it, and the credit reporting agency... well, I'm not sure why they can't follow-up, but apparently that's not working. I can't get the company listed to send anything saying I have nothing to do with their company or clear it up because first they need me to send a copy of whichever report lists them so they can get it resolved. So I have a membership with a company that is SUPPOSED to be monitoring this crap (they've been sending me monthly reports, none of which mentioned anything, and only show recent activity, not overall score), and I contacted them, and they pointed me to their website to view the info online (and potentially printing and sending it to that company), but after I signed in (yes, it let me sign in), it then refused to process anything.
And this apparently is very rare for the the whole recruiting process, which is what my recruiter says, and so she's a bit at a loss as to what can be done. The only thing I can think of to do is sign up for A DIFFERENT credit reporting thing, to get a copy of my three credit scores (and see which one this pops up on), and DROP my old monitoring company, since they appear to be completely and totally worthless. My concern there is what if it does not show up on any, which is what I think is most likely to end up the case? Then what?
This. Is. Ri-goddam-diculous. HOW IS THIS SO DIFFICULT? It isn't fraud, it isn't anything I owe, it's obvious to any and all people involved it's a clerical error, why is this not easy to fix? I don't get it, and I'm running out of silver lining for this cloud.
EDIT: I checked Equifax and Transunion, and they show nothing but my credit card (which should be on there, and shows no delinquency since I started it). Experian, though, is not even allowing me to view it. So if it's on any of them, it's on that one and ONLY that one. If it's not... who knows? Judging by the two reports, my credit looks pretty good... I should probably check my score...
EDIT 2: Seriously. What is up with Experian. I tried putting in my info for the free copy (one free per year), it says it was unable to process. I tried the way to pay for a copy (because seriously, I don't freaking care anymore, I WANT TO SEE IT), and it's saying it can't verify me (though the amount of info it required SHOULD have... and it was certain the same info I gave to the other two). So it suggests calling and gave me a phone number to have one mailed out to me. And it failed again.
This is going on 6 hours (with a 1 hour break for breakfast). And I tried calling my recruiter back, but it appears they've all gone home (that was as of 3:45pm), as nobody answered the phone. Which means I have to wait until tomorrow. *headdesk* I have a feeling Experian is the cause for all this. Apparently this goes to show that you can work hard to maintain your credit, keep your information safe, and even pay for monthly services to check up on your credit, and it doesn't matter. There is NOTHING you can do to keep your credit safe. EVER. *twitch*
EDIT FREAKING 3: Okay. I'm done for the day on this, and I need to go OUT, ANYWHERE and let out this frustration, or at least distract myself. *twitch* But I tried the last couple things I could do, called my credit monitoring company again, as well as trying to call Experian itself (yeah. that did absolutely no good). The tech I spoke to from the monitoring company thought I must not have "had credit for very long" (what does that mean? I'm 25! There is BOUND to be credit-related info for the past 7 years!), and that basically the reason I wasn't able to access it online is because there was nothing of note to show. And so I'm thinking if that's the case with the Experian, that would suggest there is actually NOTHING hurting my credit right now... And if it is entirely on the side of the Coast Guard, and they have been working the past week on it, and there's nothing I can do... well, I may as well go get a job and wait it out, because there's no TELLING when that would get resolved. I asked her if there was another way I could get it (the credit report), she transferred me to member services (third time I spoke to member services, GREAT). So the woman at member services is going to send out a card that I then need to put my name and info on and mail it back to request a copy of my three reports (even though I only need one, but WHATEVER). From the point I mail it back, it should take seven to ten business days.. If that's the case, screw it, I'll fly back to Washington and come back for this crap. AUGH.
I promise that was the last edit.