Feb 06, 2004 09:52

last cigarette: about a year ago actually. Im due for one.
last car ride: Last night like at 1230
last kiss: Last night like at 1230

last good cry: Im not sure things have been going pretty good
last library book checked out: a time magazine
last movie seen: THE GIFT (shudders)
last book read: Barbed arrows from the quiver of C. H. Spurgeon

last cuss word uttered: the f one

last beverage drank: good ol H2O
last food consumed: toast
last phone call: Nicole
last tv show watched: even stevens
last time showered: like five minutes ago

last shoes worn: brown slippers (dont ask where I got em)
last cd played: the last whole cd I listened to was the new converge
last item bought: a muffin
last downloaded: the cars greatest hits
last annoyance: my car is really dirty
last disappointment: my car being really dirty
last soda drank: DP!
last word spoken: DP!
last sleep: last night for seven hours
last im:  Nicole
last sexual fatasy: Ni... just kidding
last weird encounter: finding out a coworker is gay
last ice cream eaten: cookie dough like two days ago

last time amused: this morning with music
last time in love: this morning with music, and with nicole
last time hugged: last night
last time scolded: last night from my mom saying im a jerk or something I dont know I wasnt really listening

last time resentful: at school yesterday
last chair sat in: right now do you think I would type standing up?
last lipstick used:  I can honestly say I have never worn lipstick
last underwear worn: I can  honestly say I have never worn underwear
last bra worn: Im a guy come on now
last shirt worn: a red starbucks one that we dont wear anymore its my sleepin shirt

last time dancing: last show that we played. THe clark center one.

last poster looked at: the one on my livejournal
last show attended: clark center

last webpage visited: LIVE JOURNAL MO FO S!!!!

1 MINUTE AGO: wrote the anwser to last webpage visited
1 HOUR AGO:  made playlists for my ipod
1 DAY AGO:  was at school right now
1 WEEK AGO: was hanging out with Luke I think
1 YEAR AGO: was at college prolly having fun I miss that place

I LOVE: God the Father, His son, and the holy ghost, oh yeah and NICOLE
I HATE: my flesh most of the time
I HOPE: that i can get my tips today
I FEEL: pretty good
I HIDE: money and forget where I put it
I DRIVE: miss daisy
I MISS: my old college friends
I LEARNED: that whatever you do its never really going to be good enough
I NEED: ed a drink of water
I THINK: that i should run today since I dont have school

-current clothes: jeans thats pretty much it
-current mood: im cool

-current music: cranberries

-current taste: saliva and honey
-current hair: a rats nest
-current annoyance: my rat nest hair
-current smell: my deoderant
-current thing i should be doing: getting dressed and cleaning out my car
-current desktop picture: a purple flower
-current refreshment: saliva and honey

-current worry:

-1. What do you most like about your body?: not much lately
-2. And least?:  of take your pick
-3. How many fillings do you have?: i think three
-4. Do you think you're good looking?:  some days are better than others
-5. Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?  nope
-6. Do you look like any celebrities?: I look like a cross between chris farley, the mr hyde from LXG, and we'll throw in one of the clowns from batman returns
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