Feeling bad for the folks on the Westside...

Jul 28, 2009 08:17

This isn't a rub-in as much as an I really don't get this.

Newport is currently 10 degrees cooler than Seattle and is only getting up to 87 today. How did the East side end up cooler than Seattle? Trade off, we had a thunderstorms.

While driving back from Coeur d'Alene last night, I could see the pretty heat lightning in the distance over Newport. Then I had to drive through it. It....started off with lightning all around and ground strike (not the normal heat lightning cloud-to-cloud) then it progressed to honest-to-God hail (quarter-size, not the truck damaging golf ball size, but bigger than Seattle-size).

Endtimes, I tell you, endtimes

Little is adjusting. She has slept with me each night but spent her day roaming around the garage and hissing at Mom's dog.
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