Oct 26, 2005 15:23
Today i was reading livejournals and i found some pretty popular ones.
This one was from the user name "Nigger"
Reverse Racism
2002-04-20 05:04 am UTC (link)
would someone go to the same effort to make sure that "cracker" or "whitey" wasn't taken so that white people wouldn't be slammed? Doubt it. It's open season on white people and I think that is absolute horse shit. I don't like hate groups of any kind. I don't hate any race. But I have to be honest and admit that if you blink wrong at a black person, there will be massive protests, the NAACP and Jesse Jackson involved, rioting and just general brick-shitting. Yet black people can be "fuck whitey" all day and somehow its okay and even funny? Bullshit.