Apr 11, 2005 19:44
Someone in my class today actually did not know that SNL was on on Saturday nights. And didn't know it was live. Seriously.
Anywhoo, I saw Fever Pitch yesterday and, seriously, best movie EVER! And not only because: a) it gave a humourously accurate depiction of Sox fans, b) Jimmy Fallon = yum, or, c) Johnny Damon = yumyum, but it was the sweetest freaking movie ever. If my life were a movie, this would be the one that I would want it to be. It was sooo romantic. And even though I Drew Barrymore reallyreallyreally annoys me, I liked her this time. Also? The footage of the Sox winning the Series (yes, Rachel, WINNING THE SERIES!!! HAHAHAHA :P) was a nice touch. Made the movie more real.
Am I the only one who thinks the dude in Green Day who wears the eye makeup is seriously hot?
Umm, what's a Katana?