Jul 09, 2008 16:44
I came home today hearing spooky sounds and music (a cheap sound effects CD we use every year for our Halloween display). My five year old had made his room into a haunted house, or a "Halloween Town" as he called it. He had created mannequins out of his clothes and put plastic Jack-O-Lanterns on top as heads. He made a ghost by putting a white blanket on top of a stuffed elephant. Some of these plastic Jack-O-Lanterns were lit up. He brought me in on a tour of his haunted house, holding my hand and telling me I didn't have to be scared.
After he was done playing this game, he sent me out and has created a "Christmas Town." The Chipmunks are singing their Christmas Song. The white blanket is now on the floor and is "snow" instead of a "ghost." Rudolph stuffed animals are everywhere and a green dog marked with snowflakes. He even has out a Spongebob Squarepants doll that is dressed up like Rudolph.
Good stuff...
I'm off to play...