Jan 22, 2011 21:37
So this week was suppose to mainly focus on signing for the house and finishing commissions. But and I do love a lovely -but- we got side swiped with some family/legal drama out the ass.
Basically my mother in law was collecting social security six years ago. She got a job but didn't notify the S.S office and therefore got caught and had to pay back what they gave her. Well somehow she since she was collecting disability she was also collecting it on my husband for some child care bullshit. (Yeah the systems fucked)
Ok lets flash forward to last Monday when my mother in law showed us the final notice she had received back on Nov 23 2010. :/ Where some how my husband was being held responsible for part of what she received. The total bill on his behave was: 7,744$. Thanks for telling us five days before the grace period was up. >__> They actually tried to get us to help them pay. Now I was pissed when I found out they were charging us more rent than the mortgage on the whole house but this was pure rage.
Thankfully its been resolved and the bill is in her name once more. However this fuckfest kinda hindered my goal of finishing up commissions. I'm still working on them and I'm not avoiding anyone but this WTF just came out of no where. 6___9 Thank you to everyone who has been patient. The sooner we move the better.