Today wasn't as busy as I thought. I didn't go to Jakes in the end because he is a big gaytard and had to be on campus for when I was going to arrive. Instead I was swotty and did lots of work in the library, saw my tutor (I don't think she believes me that i've been ill) and met Anna banana for coffee.
Tip: write on an unpeeled banana with a bic biro. It's the most perfect surface you will ever write on.
We are losing the football. Alex won't be a happy bunny. I don't like Westham. Not sure why.
It snowed today but in a good way. Just floaty snow as I walked up to campus. I went to the doctors and I have to go again on friday with a wee sample. She gave me a little pot to bring in with me on friday and later on when I went to the library today to pick up the sacred Jasper Griffin book,
I took my purse out for my unicard and the wee pot flew across the library. It was such a pickle recovering it too :(
I got a parcel from my Dad today-hamtaro socks <3<3<3 and conguito chocolates
My teacher training was nice today also. All about gender prejudice in the education system plus the history behind the discrimination and a look at the way it's heading today. Super interesting stuff. Everytime I go to the course, it confirms how much I want to be a teacher. Plus all the people that run it are experienced, excellent teachers or ex teachers so the communication is excellent and the content is kept exciting. Love it.
Watching the comic relief Little Britain tonight. taste of nicotine and coffee whispers