Thank you Sis (SillyBridget)

May 10, 2004 21:57

-- UNIQUE --

1. Nervous Habits? Rubbing face at times.
2. Are you double jointed? My thumbs.
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Of course.
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? No.
6. Can you cross your eyes? Yes.
7. Tattoos? Yes. It says FRODO BAGGINS in Elvish writing.
8. Piercings and where? 12 ear piercings in each ear, and nose pierced.
9. Do you make your bed daily? No.


10. Which shoe goes on first? Right.
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Sure have. And it hit them too.
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? 40 bucks.
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My three Zoppini Bracelets, my earrings, and my VIETNAM MIA bracelet with the name Maj. Hugh Fanning of the USMC on it.
14. Favorite piece of clothing? My jeans and Hawaiian shirt.

-- FOOD --

15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Both.
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? A long time ago..
17. Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate mousse royale.
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? None.
19. What's your favourite beverage? Green tea.
20. What's your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden.
21. Do you cook? No.


22. How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day.
23. Hair drying method? Towel and then hair dryer.
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Yes.


25. Do you swear? Every damn day.
26. Do you ever spit? No. It's nasty.


27. Animal? Snow leopard.
28. Food? Chicken.
29. Month? December
30. Day? FRIDAY..
31. Cartoon? Samurai Jack.
32. Shoe Brand? Anything from REI.
33. Subject in school? History.
34. Color? Forest Green.
35. Sport? Powerlifting, football.
36. TV show? Anything History Channel.
37. Thing to do in the spring? Find four leafed clovers.
38. Thing to do in the summer? Make Christmas presents.
39. Thing to do in the fall? Play in the leaves.
40. Thing to do in the winter? Make more stuff.


41. The CD player? I have about oh, 5 of them.
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? Customers from work.
43. Ever taken a cab? No.
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? Yes.
45. What color is your bedroom? White.
46. Do you use an alarm clock? Because I constantly take melatonin, I have to use it.
47. Window seat or aisle? Window. It's cool.

-- LA LA LAND --

48. What's your sleeping position? On my side.
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Just the sheet.
50. Do you snore? YES..
51. Do you sleepwalk? Not that I am aware of.
52. Do you talk in your sleep? All of the time (so I have been told).
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Constantly!
54. How about with the light on? Naw.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? If George Noory has Michio Kaku on, I'm good to go.

Love, Heather
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