(no subject)

May 29, 2006 08:18

This picture was taken at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, 2004.


I thank you for our freedoms and Lord, I thank you for all of the soldiers who have fought and died for the United States of America. I know that I am safer sleeping at night knowing my freedom is well cared for by America's soldiers and I'm more secure knowing that they believe in a God that is looking out for them while they are in the midst of battle.

I pray for those veterans still with us who have lost so much by the way of friends long since past. Give them peace, Lord, knowing that you have these friends and comrades up in Heaven with you...

Thank you, dear soldiers, for our freedoms that we sometimes take for granted. Thank you Lord for protecting them and blessing them with you Spirit. God bless the USA and God bless our beloved soldiers!

Love, Heather
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