Open Road, Ho!

Jan 20, 2013 16:15

At long last, I have finally sat down and mapped out the space and time we'll spend in the US on our upcoming road trip!

That bit between D and E isn't quite right, though, because Google's stupid and won't let me tell it in any sane fashion to take us along the Blue Ridge Parkway. So here's a closer approximation of it (apparently there's an upper limit on how many of those white dots you can use. Google keeps trying to route us along other roads instead, so I needed lots. I almost made it!):

So yes, well over three thousand glorious miles of driving awaite me! It's not nearly enough - I have three years to make up for! Ah, well, it'll have to do for now.

We don't have specific dates yet, just relative days (Day one, day two, etc). Chris has to talk to his boss to find out which four weeks he can have off, and then I have to look at airfare and book some tickets. Still shooting for March, though - possibly parts of March and April.

I couldn't do everything and go everywhere I wanted to in just four weeks, but I think we'll enjoy this trip anyways. We'll have to catch those people and places we'll miss on other trips. That said, if anyone will be vaguely along this path and wants to meet up for lunch or something, do say so! The lines between the places are a bit negotiable - at this point I've just left it with Google's suggestion (except for the Blue Ridge Parkway, of course).
silveradept, is meeting up with you in Michigan still an option?

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