At least I was wearing the pink frilly ones.

May 25, 2005 00:34

Well everything is all setup with my new site, I just need the time to load everything up.

I woke up this morning and was so amazingly dizzy. From 8am to 3pm I couldn't walk in a straight line without falling on my ass, everyone was laughing at my PAIN. Not sure what was up with that, I should probably go to the doctor. My mother finally decided to lace my ginger ale with some kind of muscle relaxer, or pain reliever, or maybe it was just crack. Who knows. When I came to it was 7 (just in time for American Idol) and I was happy to notice that our AC was working again. (It had broken down on the HOTTESTDAMNDAYOFTHEYEAR. GAH.)

I came crawling into the living room and my mom says "The airconditioning-fixer-guy came by while you were knocked out. Which reminds me, when you're in your room..close the door. And secondly, put some pants on when you sleep. JEEZ."

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