Jul 21, 2007 00:18
Well it's been awhile since I have updated this so I thought I'd try to. It's a little late though so I'm not sure how far I will get. I'm still working on my internship. I'll be done in August though. Everything has to be in August 12. I may stay longer though. It's weird how things turn out. I didn't even really want to work there but now it's kinda changed my life. I found out I couldn't do what I thought I wanted to do. So first I was bummed, then I realized I didn't really want to do it anyways. I've met great people one of which told me all about a PhD program that I love the thought of and got into. I've made friends, one of which I have a feeling I'll be friends with forever hopefully. It's really kind of taken me out of the slump I was in. I'm also applying to tons of jobs and hope to be able to move by my birthday (October). I really want to move to Boston. We will see!!
Tomorrow, actually today the final Harry Potter book is out! YAY!! It's exciting to see what is going to happen, but it is sad because this is the last one we will ever get! Also I'm guessing it will be a sad book. I don't know what I will do after this. Nothing really compares to the Harry Potter books. Nothing is as exciting. I want to read the book quick to see what happens, and because I have a feeling all the people who sit down and read it in a few hours will have the ending posted on the internet. You know you won't be able to get away from it. Now that I go to my internship everyday I can't stay in seclusion until I finish. I'm sure my boss will come in and be like hey did you hear what happened. Maybe I'll be able to finish it by Monday. We'll see. Anyways, I'm rambling I should go!