PhD, finales....

May 27, 2007 13:30

Well I shouldn't really be updating this. I need to be working on a paper, but I've gotten distracted. I decided to change my icon and whenever I do that I like to update. I had an interview on Friday for the PhD school I applied to. I won't find out for a week or two whether I get in or not, so I'm pretty much freaking out waiting. I have a constant nauseous feeling. Yay that's fun! The teacher I interviewed with mentioned I could send him another paper of mine for him to read. I already had to send one. He didn't say I had to, but he just mentioned it so me and a friend thought it could be a good idea to write one (since I couldn't find any I wanted to send), so I'm working on that. It's a fun topic, but it's still nervewracking because it means so much. So much is riding on the paper really. My family is all going to my grandma's tomorrow, but I think I'll stay here and work on it. I told the teacher I'd have it to him by Wednesday. So far all I've gotten done is research. We just came up with the idea yesterday, and I also helped my mom stain the front porch yesterday. That was fun considering it was like 90 outside. Needless to say I'm burnt today and sore.
All my shows are off now. It's sad, but I'm a bit relieved now I don't have to have everything finished by 8pm. That was a pain before. I wouldn't get home from my internship until like 5 and then I'd try and have everything finished (dinner, shower, getting everything ready for the next day) by 8. Of course there are some other shows I'm watching like So You think you can Dance and On the Lot. Knowing me I'll probably watch all the reruns of my shows too. The Smallville season finale was nuts. A definite cliffhanger there. From what I heard though Chloe isn't dead, so that is all I needed to hear!! haha! Supernatural was one of the best, because it was done really well and kept you on the edge of your seat, but it wrapped up nicely. You don't have to wait to see what happens, but they held out some things to keep you coming next year. Veronica Mars well I don't even want to talk about it really. It was a season finale episode, and thanks to stupid CW it should have been a series finale one. So nothing was wrapped up. That show was entirely too good to get canceled!! Ok well I should go work on my paper.
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