Snow, Snow, Snow

Feb 19, 2007 14:14

So, in December I was complaining about it not snowing. Now it doesn't seem to want to stop. It pretty much poured the snow all weekend. I did not go to my practicum today. I am seriously lacking in the hours department.
I've been online for like 2 days now downloading Grey's Anatomy from this past Thursday because ABC decided to not reshow it Friday (which is how I've watched it like all season). It finally just finished downloading so I should probably get off here soon since no one has been able to use the phone for like 2 days.
It looks like all the CW shows are going on hiatus for awhile. Supernatural said it wouldn't be back on until March 15. The last episode of it was so hilarious though!! Smallville didn't have a commercial for next week either. Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars and One Tree hill are all on this week, but I know they are going on hiatus soon. At least I won't have a lot to tape then since American Idol is on like all week. I hope it gets better. I was kind of annoyed at last week. They stuck like 3 weeks worth of stuff in one show. The OC series finale is this Thursday. Too sad!! I wish they would have at least given it until May. It feels like it is rushed. They just had an earthquake and now they are like fast forwarding to the fall practically.
Well I should go. I want to go over my application for school again today, before I take it to show to someone tomorrow.
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