
Jan 28, 2007 17:21

It's like a blizzard outside. It didn't even start snowing here until after Christmas and in the past couple of weeks it's been snowing all of the time. Today's snow has been really pretty. The big fluffy kind that if you really look at you can tell the shapes of all the flakes. It makes you want to go stand outside in it! The snow has been somewhat annoying though because in the past two weeks I've only went 2 out of the 4 days each week because of the snow. In some ways it's nice to be able to stay home and sleep in and get some things done, but I feel bad missing. I don't really do anything there though except sit in and observe. Sometimes I do some filing too. So, really all it hurts is me getting my hours, but the couple of days I've gone when it's snowed (not even that bad) most of the clients cancel. It doesn't make since to go and sit there all day for nothing. That's happened to me a few times and it's not so fun. I mean it's fun sitting and talking to everyone for a little while, but not all day. Plus when it is bad my dad takes my moms vehicle (I don't have a car and ride with my mom) and drops her off, and would drop me off at like 6:30 am. Normally I get there at 7:30 am which is already an hour and a half early. I don't want to get there 2 and a half hours early to just sit all day. I think I'll be fine with my hours. I already have like 55 and I have to have 200 by the end of April. My face to face hours are a bit lacking though-only 23 and I have to have 100. Things should pick back up though in March or at least the beginning of April.
Nearly all of my shows have started again. Bones will this week. Everything has been really good. Smallville's best episode so far was Justice League. It was so good! I hope they bring them back later on this season, especially Oliver. I miss him already!! It's so sad OC is ending. It's been so good lately, and now Kirsten is pregnant and we won't get to see her have the baby!! I will be glad for American Idol to get to Hollywood already. I'm a bit tired of all of the tryouts. Veronica Mars and Supernatural are very interesting. I like the new mystery on Veronica Mars. I'm a bit tired of her and Logan though. Supernaturals best episode was the one that showed the same night as Smallville's Justice League where Sam finally found out what his dad told Dean about him. One Tree Hill is good as usual. I like Lucas with Peyton. I like the new guy Chase (Stephen from Laguna Beach), he's cute and I like him with Brooke. Hmm I think that's all. I have to go anyways dinner is ready.
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