So. About 2:30 am Sunday I get a phone call from my dad that my mom is being taken to the hospital. Apparently, her blood sugar levels dropped like crazy and she collapsed in the bathroom. Thankfully, she didn't hit her head on the counter or floor and aside from a bruise on her arm, she's okay from the fall. If it had happened a couple of years ago, it could have been a lot worse because my dad could sleep through anything. Now, since he has horrible sleep apnea and takes medicine for his lupus that makes him restless, he's a much lighter sleeper.
She's okay, home from the hospital now, although they kept her until this morning as she was having difficulty with her blood sugar levels into last evening. Her endocrinologist recently started her on this new medication but it lowered her blood sugar too much. She's usually really good about eating the right food, but the medicine curbed her appetite so she wasn't eating as often as she should to maintain her levels. When she did, she often felt sick afterwards, which only made her less than eager to eat. So, the medicine lowered her blood sugar, which was a good thing, but it also weakened her appetite, which caused her to not when she should, thus lowering her blood sugar even more. One thing lowering her blood sugar was okay, add in the other factor and it was most decidedly not okay.
She's fine now, in the sense that her blood sugar has been level since this morning so she feels okay and even back to her normal energetic self. She's trying a new medication now that doesn't lower blood sugar levels quite as much as the other and isn't supposed to have the loss of appetite.
All in all, she's good (I know she is because her main worry today was, "Thank goodness this didn't happen Wednesday or Thursday so I'd have to miss the game!" Yeah, my mom is fine now), but man, those late night phone calls suck so much.
This time Thursday night, my boys will be playing for the national championship. I'm still in disbelief a little bit, and seriously you guys, when I watch Alabama come running out on the field to play for the MOTHEREFFING NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME OMG, I'm afraid my heart will explode with glee. Texas can try to stop us but THE TIDE IS ON A MOTHEREFFING ROLL AND WILL DESTROY YOU. (Sorry,
jennem and
stoney321. That's all I'll say, negative-wise. Unless y'all come out like gang busters and lead the game. And then I shall cry like a small, spoiled child.)
Another good thing: in less than two weeks, I'll be on my cruise. Hells yeah.