You know what irks me? Besides my fiance leaving me and dating someone else within SIX FREAKIN' WEEKS of the breakup? (Ahhhh, here comes the bitter humor) Cross-posting stories at darker_Character X communities AND fluffy_Character X communities. If you post something at
a_darker_angel, guess what? It probably doesn't belong at
a_fluffy_angel because surprise surprise, dark =/= fluffy. If I go to
a_fluffy_angel, I want to read relatively light and happy pieces featuring Angel, NOT stories of gore and death and destruction. If you write dark stories, fine. Great. Wonderful. BUT DON'T POST THEM IN MY HAPPY FLUFFY COMMUNITIES BECAUSE DAMNIT, I WANT TO READ HAPPY, FLUFFY STORIES THERE, NOT EPIC ANGSTY FICS. I don't go posting my HGTV series in dark fic-based communities. Although, now I might start since apparently there is no rhyme or reason to, you know, community rules.
Hi, my name is Lee and I'm a raving bitch this morning. It'd probably be best to stay far, far away.