
Mar 16, 2006 20:20

hey wel i just got back from my first soccer practice and let me tell you my coach (coach John) he is like the best soccer player ever he could prolly very easly kick the ball from one end of the feild to the other oh nad HE IS AUSTRAILIAN instaed of brittish but hey i have said that austrailia is my next home if brittain doesnt work out!... ;)...but anyways we have a game on saturday at 8:30am so i am really excited about that!....but it was so cold outside at practice tonight i was like shivering....we had to run two rounds around the field and i started out at the front and then got into the back at the end because of the wind it was so hard it was like it was pulling me it was hard but I LOVE IT!....saturday coach told me that we need to bring some suggestions on some team names so i need everybody to help me plz!....any names u have??
thats all thanks for the read!
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