Yay, tomorrow I'm back to work~ I asked my neighbour if I could help him out. He's a painter, as in walls and house decorating. And it's no picnic.
On Monday I had to pick off all the rust off the banister and I later looked like I'd been down in a mine. But tomorrow I get to paint it!
It's like sewing. Anyone can get out a sewing machine and run cloth through it, but it's the preparation before that that's the real work. @_@x
I'm a bit peeved though, because I took the day off today to go to Bochum and meet up with the Otasuke-tai, the volunteers who'll help out the Japanese visitors to the Women's FIFA World Cup, but yesterday I got an e-mail (And I read it late) that it was moved to tomorrow. I can't ask for another day off so soon, so I guess I can't go this time...
I have Mephisto Con-ready and he'll be out this Saturday at the Dokomi in Duesseldorf =3 My last trip to Duesseldorf got me Thermae Romae II & III, I'm so happy. I seem to be the only person on the internet that's so excited by it. I wish I were good enough to scanlate it, but to be honest half of the time I'm guessing what the Kanji mean and they don't even have Furigana. It was a pleasant change when I peeked into my Japanese Ao no Exorcist #1 and I could at least read everything.
It's a shame they don't sell those DS cards you can put games on anymore, a friend of mine has a neat denshi jisho programme, but then again sharing programmes is probably the reason why they were banned in the first place. ^^x* I'll have to keep my eye out on the next flea market.
Speaking of banning, at this rate, Germany will suffer an epidemic of constipation because nobody is eating vegetables. I can't imagine my life without tomatoes and we've always have a cucumber in the fridge, so this is really weird. I wash them more thoroughly now and I've resorted to cooking my tomatoes first (they taste great with spread cheese), but how do I survive with out healthy food??? So far nothing has happened in any of my familiar circles, let's hope it stays that way.
Take care!
This Song, for some reason I find it mezmorizing O_Ox