OMKAMI I am so excited 'Yami no Matsuei' 12 is out. I'm hoping that if it sells well the series will be continued. It's no joke that over these past six years everytime I thought of Tsuzuki and pals I sighed because nothing would ever fill that space occupied by the sheer curiosity concerning Tsuzuki's (ans pal's) past(s). And I have a thing for Hisoka's father
I might not mention it here very often, but it is my favourite manga series and I'm jumping around in triangles. Janne coming together again will now make my fangirl life complete
I'm also glad ka-yu's singing in Japanese. Though I like his English lyrics, Japanese is just more natural out of his mouth ~^^x*~
Haha! Yesterday my mother and I set out to buy uniform leotards for our P.E. children. Unfortunately the ones they had in the sports store were ugly, so we came out with tons of stuff we don't really need instead.
Looking fierce, Nibbler!
No, they are actually for Valerie. =3
To counter the boredom of the holidays, I spent the day today painting the ceiling in the bathroom. I still have to do the bits over the bathtub, but I must say the ceiling is far more interesting to stare at while your in it now.