I first discovered Neil Gaiman with The Wolves in the Walls; I don't know who enjoyed it more, my daughter or I.
A "favourite author" scenario ensued, with us trying to buy up any more Gaiman offerings. We found The day I swapped my Dad for Two Goldfish
browseinside.harpercollins.com/index.aspx , which I loved more than my daughter did (she thought it was too young, while it just made me howl with its dry wit). We also found Coraline, which scared us both far more than Wolves had, and which we just loved to bits.
(Can't wait for the film due out in February from Henry Sellick, who did the Nightmare before Christmas
www.neilgaiman.com/p/Cool_Stuff/Video_Clips )
So my daughter is now a firm fan, and is desperate for The Graveyard book to be released. We know this will be good, but it's been hard waiting with more and more excellent reviews released all over the place, including one from Robin McKinley, no slouch at writing award winning books herself. In the meantime I tried American Gods for free on the web, enjoyed it so much that I needed physical paper, and bought it and read it in 24 hours. Great book.
And there's Stardust the film
www.filmstalker.co.uk/archives/2007/08/stardust.html, the book, the graphic novel. All different, but all delicious. At some point I will have to hunt down the Sandman graphic novels, since although graphic novels aren't really my thing, I'm going to need a Gaiman fix when I run out of his other novels.
(Neverwhere is currently available online for free here
browseinside.harpercollins.com/index.aspx )
And for regular reading try Neil's blog, one of the most interesting and fun author blogs on the web
journal.neilgaiman.com/2008/09/waking-up.html , which ranges freely across idiosyncratic territory, from bees to comics, campaigns to Robopandas; and where his family visit, and guest blog, but never his wife...
woowooteacup.wordpress.com/2008/08/27/neil-gaimans-wife/ Hannah and I have got tickets to the Halloween London launch of the Graveyard Book. I would squee, but I don't think I've had enough practice, and my upper lip is not sufficiently supple ;p However suffice it to say that I am tremendously excited, and I will be the adult who is being restrained by a teenager from embarrassing said teenager. I'm looking forward to it immensely :)