Nov 14, 2004 11:24
I wish my mother would refrain from being the bearer of all bad news in my life. I have a book critique due tomorrow on a book I have 300 pages left to read. I have another two page paper due for the same class. I have a sore throat and a dirty bedroom which, with their powers combined, are keeping me from being able to concentrate. I have no money for medicine for said throat problem and no time for cleaning. Damn, damn, damn. On top of these minor issues, my mom just sent me an email from a new address which I'm assuming she changed due to what looks like an upcoming divorce (?) of which the email informed me. Her previous address was her name and my step-person's combined, now it is hers solo. She gives me $100 a month -- the email informed she'll no longer be able to do so. She called the Financial Aid people to see if we can revise my application before the spring semester and got a negative response. I guess I'll go to the VCU office tomorrow and investigate my options.
To do:
VCU Financial Aid office
Find a new job -- maybe for Kaine or Baskerville campaigns?
Quit childcare job
Make website for clothes-selling and money-making