"playing in my head, over and over again...i cant go home not loving youuuuuuu"

Apr 17, 2005 19:25

Went to Portland yesterday with some friends, that was awesome. mini road trip haha. 9 people in my mini van, crazy. I was literally speeding all the way there. i had to get Jerry to his rugby game by noon, so we left Eugene around 11:30 and got to Portland at 12:50ish. i was seriously going 90 F-ing miles. ha anyone beat that? Thank god i didn’t get a ticket Jerry you owe me. We took some lovely pictures in the van and Portland ill show them sometime. Portland was very SUNNY, yay!! oh snappers, Boon has my sunglasses. What a day in Portland, got home around 7ish.

Sorry to hear that Jeff's was cancelled. good for jeff at least??

Around 9ish Anna and Neil came and picked me and max up, we went to Emily's and met up with some other people. damn Emily and her rich huge house. :P
Poor Anna, last night she was freaking out and feeling very rushed. im really sorry girl! but the night turned out pretty fun tho right? Sorry i was cranky in the beginning. haha gotta tell you some pretty funny stuff that happened last night ;). Close to 11 everyone spilt up, Anna, neil, max, Danielle, David, Dorian and Caitlin all went to the bonfire which was all the way out in Coburg so Ari, Cody and I went to Annie's party for a bit, well more like stayed for 2 mins and left lol We just ended up going back to Ari's house.

oh oh oh! my first graders soccer team had a game today. they only played for like 10 mins before it started to hail and down pour rain so badly!! oh well. After the game Monica, Ricky, Kieth, Joe and I went to maple for Lunch. yum :) Sesame Chicken was pretty good. Saw the house that Ricky's parents had on pending, freakin huge but we didn’t think it was the one for us next year. grr...gotta keep looking. hmmm smells soo good, just baked a cake. made so many cakes this month, crazy. k Im outty, gotta read In Our Time by hemingway! hugs and kisses to ya all.
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