Dec 11, 2009 16:48
After a day of fail I now have a nice stew, with beef, tomatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, & onions simmering on the stove. I also added a can of beef barley soup.
Speaking of soup,someone ate my soup that I had taken for lunch today. I had a nice can of chicken noodle soup tucked away on the teachers' lounge counter (anything on the table is fair game; the counter is off-limits) and when I came in for lunch, it was gone!
I mentioned something to the guidance assistant and she said she saw (insert teacher name) eating some soup at about, oh, 10 o'clock. Yep, I found the empty soup can in the trash. Now what is that? This particular teacher is part-time so she could have gone to Wendy's and gotten 15 cups of chili, but no, she has to eat my soup. I was dumbfounded.
Then I couldn't find my room keys. I wasted half an hour looking for them and finally found them by the telephone, where I had been....
calling my doctor's office to re-schedule an appointment that was actually today. They had given me a card that said the 21st, but that is actually for a routine bone scan that old women have to get. My doctor is going on vacation, so I can't get in until late January, which meant I had to get a prescription called in because my bp medicine will run out by then. Can't have that. However, that took even more time.
I also had to call Signals, the gift catalogue place. I ordered three nice gifts, but only one arrived! All three were supposed to be in the same box. I searched everywhere. I even rummaged around with a stick in the outside trash.
I called Signals & was amazed that the lady said she would ship me the two missing gifts right away. Just on my word alone! I was happy.
The only thing that didn't work out was the soup thing. The next time I see (insert name of soup thief here), I will shout, "NO SOUP FOR YOU!" and see what she does.