Oct 19, 2009 17:34
Remember Peter Tork? The Monkees? He's going to appear at a little teeny tiny coffee shop in town. Daughter has been wild about the Monkees since she was three years old. We're going to go see him! She's especially excited because last year she appeared on the same stage playing piano.
I've seen other bigger celebrities before at Purdue, but this is somehow different. We'll probably be able to walk right up and talk to him. It just sort of tickles me.
Today when I came home from school, hundreds of little bugs were swarming around the side of my house by my driveway. They're sort of like Japanese beetles, but smaller. Ugh. I sprayed them, but they scoffed at it. In fact, they landed right on me and in my hair.
After school I stocked up on cold supplies: oranges, juice, Zicam, NeilMed (Neti-pot like stuff), virus-killing Kleenex. I also just ate spicy food. I've heard that is good for clearing your head. I don't have a cold yet, but I have that funny feeling. Too many students were half-sick today and snotting all over everything.
I think I'll rest now and go to bed early.