Nov 20, 2004 15:56
Yesterday was the best. not the best best, but really good.
In tech i got to finish my Twelve Angry Men project while avoiding to do my tech project. Mr Kinney's the best, He's so gullible. I wish Miss Hogan was like that. In Math i forgot what we did but i found out the thing I told Ashley wasn't true. And I got a 83 on my Test. Grr. In Study Hall I made up a quiz for hogaie on fick. Thats her new name according to Brian. I think I got 100 or 80. She saw my project and she loved it. Then I went to Study Hall and I talked to Ian Ward. The kid's so dumb and short but he's cool. In Handball Berard's team got MASSACRED. 29-2. Pain. On a lighter note, my team won but 4 pts against Marty, Alian, and Keenan, and random seventh grade girls. Spanish, i forget. Earth Science was fun. we played a game and I was a winner by default. Lunch was fun. I talked with Bernard, Liz, Heather, Erica, Brian, Alex and Jen. They seriously are the best friends I've got. English was okay. I talked to Emily DiDianto. She's cool. we talked about how much we hated sixth grade and Mrs. Walrus--er--Sigler. In Social Studies We talked about the Supreme Court cases then I had to pick up my fund raisers and i went home. I went home talked to Liz, got into a fight with my sister, showered and left. I was late by 15 minutes. But it was fun. I danced with Erinn and Jen and ciara a lot. Me, Matt, Brian, Erinn, Liz, Ciara, John, Daniella and some other random people would dance in a circle together. It was fun. If you didnt go you missed out. I loved it. Daniella told me this funny joke:
(Hilbilly voice) So I was walking down the road when this guy pulls me over and says "Hey you , want some pot?" And I said "No thanks Officer."
Get it??