[ Fic ] The Devil You Know (Sam/Dean, NC-17)

Dec 30, 2014 13:55

Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean, [ + Crowley, Meg, Castiel ]
Word count: +7000 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none (fluffy boy king!Sam?)
Summary: [ Post Season 5 ] For the prompt: “Sam is the King of Hell. Dean is his consort and loyal bodyguard. Crowley is the advisor. Castiel is the diplomat, Meg is the head of the army.” aka Hell: Sam Winchester Style.

A/N: Written for osmalic for the spn_j2_xmas gift exchange - I'm sorry for the lateness, thank you so much for your patience my dear. Have a wonderful New Year! I hope you enjoy. :)

READ AT: [ AO3 ]


If you're reading this - SORRY SOMER ;o; I really tried to resist my fluffyschmoopy tendencies. Oho but maybe I'm just saving my darker side for you? ;)

Also if anyone wants me to put it up on LJ too, I can - but I find it so much easier to post longer fic on AO3.

rating: nc-17, pairing: sam/dean, kink: elevator sex, fic, kink: bottom!dean, fic: the devil you know, kink: boyking!sam, kink: mirror sex

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