This is the greatest Birthday present ever...

Feb 09, 2009 15:15

So on a similarly cold February day four years ago I posted this:

This Sucks [22 Feb 2005|11:46pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Blink 182~Degenerate ]

2/22/2005 11:39:00 AM - by cgeorggin

"For over a decade, Blink-182 has toured, recorded and done non-stop promotion all while trying to balance relationships with family and friends.

To that end, the band has decided to go on an indefinite hiatus to spend some time enjoying the fruits of their labors with their loved ones. While there is no set plan for the band to begin working together again, no one knows what tomorrow may bring."

I feel sick as fuck. This is pish. Really pish :'(. I dont need to go into detail on how much Blink have impacted my life. They are my favourite band by a fucking mile and it really hurts to see them finish. I hope to fuck they do come back one day with another album. Thanks for the memories. I feel sick to the bottom of my stomach.


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I still remember posting that, I still remember nearly breaking down, and I still remember feeling like I had lost a big part of my childhood. It felt unjust, unfair and I couldn't tolerate it - no matter how much I told myself there must be good reason for it.

So if you can imagine that anguish, compared to how I felt at half 3 in the morning as I watched a dodgy Brazillian streaming site to witness the Grammys and more particular the return of my heroes. Words don't describe it really, it was just...Fuck off I can't even explain it, I am really overwhelmed just now. Two days before I turn 22 and this happens, this is the greatest Birthday present I could ever have wished for.

I still can't believe it, I had heard the rumours, knew there was chance. I knew it, absolutely knew it, but couldn't tell for sure. Just incase my hopes were squashed, but as it happened I went into uni with the widest smile possible this morning. My driving lesson? If I had ran down a kid today, it still wouldn't have removed the grinning smile on my face. Blink are back, baby.
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